Sun Shines on Cuddesdon Fete

A wonderful day was had by all at the Cuddesdon Church Fete last Saturday 19th May.  Hosted by the College, the fete drew its usual crowds, despite fears by the organisers that the Royal Wedding would deter folk from coming.  However, the sun shone and drew people to the many stalls and activities, including the Morris dancers, dog show, classic car exhibition and display of birds of prey.  The fete was opened by our own elder of the village, John Paxton and the students dressed up in the theme of the circus.

It was a wonderful day which brought together the village, church and college into one community.  Our thanks go to Bishop Humphrey for allowing us to use the college and to all the students who helped on stalls and to set up.  Thanks too, go to the fete committee chaired by Mark Chapman for all their hard work in organising the day and to everyone who helped on the day.  Over £7,000 was raised for church funds.