One of the things about the Prayer Book Communion Service is that it has a short section just before the Prayer of Consecration which is usually called the ‘comfortable words’ – words of comfort. They are a few short passages…
Bible readings & sermon delivered on 11 September 2022, by The Revd Karen Charman, following the death of Mer Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Collect Almighty God, who called your Church to bear witness that you were in Christ reconciling the world to yourself: help us to proclaim the good news of your love, that all who hear it may be drawn to you;…
Sermon for Trinity Sunday – The God Without Gender
Sermon preached by Revd Karen Charman for Trinity Sunday, 30th May 2021, at All Saints, Cuddesdon and via Zoom. You can listen to an audio recording here:
Sermon for the Seventh Sunday of Easter
Sermon preached by Revd Karen Charman for the Seventh Sunday of Easter, 16th May 2021, via Zoom. You can listen to an audio recording here: Last Thursday, the Church celebrated Ascension Day – the day upon which the risen Jesus…
Sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter
Sermon preached by Revd Karen Charman for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, 2nd May 2021, via Zoom. You can listen to an audio recording here: Last week, Vocations’ Sunday, we reflected a little on the “I am” sayings, and on…
Homily for Sunday 2nd May 2021
Homily preached by Revd Karen Charman for BCP Holy Communion at All Saints’, Cuddesdon, on Sunday 2nd May 2021 May I speak in the name of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. It seems strange, in this Easter…
Sermon for Vocations Sunday
Sermon preached by Revd Karen Charman for Vocations Sunday, 25th April 2021, via Zoom. You can listen to an audio recording here: “I am the Good Shepherd.” One of the seven “I am” sayings in John’s Gospel. I wonder if…
Sermon for the Third Sunday of Lent
Sermon preached by Revd Karen Charman for the Third Sunday of Lent, 7th March 2021, via Zoom. You can listen to an audio recording here: The angry Christ – an image from the Philippines, painted by an artist, Lino Pontebon,…
Sermon for the First Sunday of Lent
Sermon preached by Danny Payne for the First Sunday of Lent, Sunday 21st February 2021, via Zoom. Genesis 9:8-17 and Mark 1:9-15 In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. “…believe in…
Sermon for Ash Wednesday 2021
Sermon preached by Revd Karen Charman for Ash Wednesday, 17th February 2021, via Zoom. You can listen to an audio recording here. I invite you to cast your minds back, if you can, to Shrove Tuesday, last year. In the…