‘Like good stewards of the manifold grace of god, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.’ (1 Peter 4:10)
The Bible shows us time and again that we have a generous God who gives us good things in great abundance. God’s love for humanity is overflowing. He gives graciously in his creation and the daily sustaining of life. Above all, he gave us his son Jesus, who gave of himself utterly for us. Through his example, Jesus showed us a radically different way of living, one that seeks justice restored and the hungry fed. As Christians, trying to become more Christ-like, we are challenged to live in a way that helps bring about God’s kingdom and shares in the flow of his generosity.
Generosity is therefore part of the outworking of our faith. It is part of our discipleship and not just about giving money. Rather it’s about the way we spend our time, our talents and our possessions.
People sometimes feel that ‘the Church’ is rich and still always asking for money. But there is a difference between paying for the running of the church and giving to enable our mission of loving service to the people of the parish. It costs a lot to run our historic church of St Mary’s and to resource our mission of being a place of prayer and tradition which serves everyone within the village. Please see the leaflet below to find out how you can give generously to the work of our church.
Living Faith giving-a-simple-guide
Give as You Live
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