Emma’s Licensing as Area Dean

Recently Bishop Colin asked if I would take on the role of Area Dean.  This involves a number of very specific tasks, including: looking after the clergy in the Deanery, caring for parishes when the priest is sick or the benefice vacant, visiting parishes to build them up, convening and sharing the chair of the Deanery synod and liaising between the Bishop and the parishes. On Monday 22nd January at All Saints’ Cuddesdon, I was licensed to this role by the Archdeacon Judy French and it was a very special occasion.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who contributed: to Bishop Humphrey for preaching and to the choir for their anthem.  Thank you to Robert for leading the intercessions and Mark for standing in for Alan, to Richard for doing the drinks and all of those who brought food.  Finally, thank you to you for your continued love, support and prayers.

Please find below the Order for the Service and Bishop Humphrey’s Sermon

Licensing Service 22.1.18

Sermon – One Holy Catholic Apostolic – Licensing of Emma Pennington – All SS Cuddesdon 22Jan18