Parish Share Success

One of the major achievements of the last year was to be able to pay our parish share in full. This is the amount of money which each parish is asked to contribute to support the mission and ministry of the Church in the Diocese of Oxford, in addition to the regular running costs of the churches. Horspath contributed £20,843, Garsington £23,008 and Cuddesdon £14,695 to the overall 19 million needed. So how is this money spent by the diocese?
parish share64% goes to clergy stipends and housing
12 % on curates’ training
5% on ministerial support and support for parishes
4% National training fund
4% national church costs
4% mission in the diocese
4% on education, communication and other mission activities
3% support and other diocese costs
82% of the total costs to run the church comes from the Parish Share, 13% from glebe investments and 4% from church fees. So a special thank you to all of you who contributed to this cost and materially gave in order for spiritual and community events and services to flourish across the benefice. This coming year the Parish Share will be £20,797 for Horspath, £22,440 for Garsington and £13,842, and the PCCs have been looking at ways we can meet this cost once again, including fundraising events and a change jar challenge, so please do help us make our churches financially stable so that we can grow community in our villages through our events and services.

For more information please see the leaflet attached
