Fairtrade Fortnight

For Fairtrade fortnight Maranda St. John-Nicolle, the Diocesan Advisor on World Development came to Fairtrade fortnightspeak at the 9.30 am service in St Mary’s, Garsington.  She told us stories of how Fairtrade has transformed communities across the world by giving a business model which enabled farmers to receive a living wage for their products.  Her first hand experience of this with the banana trade in the Republic of Dominica was moving.  She also reminded us that when we stood in a supermarket before the different bananas on sale that our choices really did make a difference, however small they may seem.  Maranda also gave us pointers as to which products were Fairtrade but of an outstanding quality like Green and Blacks, these included Divine chocolate Liberation nuts.

After the service we held our own Fairtrade stall which sold the latest Real Easter egg.  Thanks go to Annie Wright for organising Maranda to speak and for the stall.