Events and Services

All are welcome to join us for a pet blessing service on Saturday, 15th July, at 2 pm at All Saints’ Church, Cuddesdon.

If you fear your pet might be at risk, please keep it in a cage or safe container, or leave your pet at home and bring a photograph.  Similarly, if you have a reactive dog or one who might eat smaller pets, please either keep it on a lead or leave it at home and bring a photograph.  There should be sufficient space to give nervous pets some space.  It would be helpful if you could let me know in advance if you wish to bring a horse, cow or more unusual animal that might not easily fit inside the church – but farmyard animals, reptiles, and ‘unusual’ pets are all most welcome.

Regular Worship Pattern

First Sunday of the Month

8am BCP Holy Communion
All Saints, Cuddesdon

9.30am Parish Communion
St Mary’s, Garsington

9.30am Parish Communion
All Saints, Cuddesdon

11am Morning Worship
St Giles, Horspath

Second Sunday of the Month

9.30am Parish Communion
St Mary’s, Garsington

9.30am Parish Communion
All Saints, Cuddesdon

11am Parish Communion
St Giles, Horspath

Third Sunday of the Month

8am BCP Holy Communion
All Saints, Cuddesdon

9.30am Parish Communion
St Mary’s, Garsington

9.30am Parish Communion
All Saints, Cuddesdon

11.15am Family Time
St Giles, Horspath

Fourth Sunday of the Month

9.30am Breakfast Time
St Mary’s, Garsington

9.30am Parish Communion
All Saints, Cuddesdon

11am Parish Communion
St Giles, Horspath

Fifth Sunday of the Month

10am Benefice Service
This service rotates around the Benefice throughout the year. Please check the homepage of the website, or church noticeboards, for specific venues nearer the time. 

Breakfast Time at St Mary’sUSPG breakfast discussion

Come and join us on the fourth Sunday for breakfast and discussion, starting at 9.30 a.m. with Coffee/Tea and Croissants followed by an informal discussion at 10am. 


Julian Contemplative Prayer at All Saintsjulian meetings logo

This contemplative prayer meeting gathers every Wednesday at All Saints’ Church, Cuddesdon at 2.10pm ready for a prompt start at 2.15pm. All are welcome to this time of reflection and silent prayer for 30 minutes.  For more information please go to

Oasis at St Giles: A sacred space for spirituality and stillness.

Oasis is a half-hour, informal service with candles, music, a passage from scripture or a poem, and short periods of reflection. Each week has a different theme and is a wonderfully comforting environment to pause and reflect in the middle of a busy week. All are welcome whether regular church attenders or not. Oasis offers something quite different to formal services.

St Mary’s café every third FridayCanon September 2014 037

On the third Friday of the month the back of St Mary’s Church in Garsington is transformed into a café with tables and chairs, newspapers, coffee and cake.  When the weather is good you can enjoy the view across to the Baldons and beyond with seating outside.  Everyone is welcome to drop by between 10 am and 12 noon to catch up with friends and meet new ones.

17.2.15 142Cuddesdon Coffee Morning every second Tuesday

This very successful coffee morning held in the village hall in Cuddesdon every second Tuesday of the month.  With book shop, raffle, coffee and good company.