Get Involved

Explore the Bible

An informal group meets on a Wednesday at 10.45 at Wall House.
Join us to read through a book of the Bible, chapter by chapter and discuss our thoughts together. 

We welcome anyone interested.
Please contact Anne Stern,  01865 872 863,  07786066046.

Join the Cuddesdon choir.

If you enjoy singing, please do consider joining a small informal choir which sings every fourth Sunday in All Saints, Church, Cuddesdon.  One evening practice the week before involving hymns and one straightforward choir anthem.
Please contact Ron Stern, 01865 872 863,

Parish Prayer Meeting

Members of the parish meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 pm to pray for the life of the church and village and those in it.
All are welcome, and for more information, contact Anne Stern at 01865 872 863.